Make a You Tube video….are you kidding me? Me? Seriously?


Every Monday evening my Sponsor (or as I like to refer to her my “PAPA MAMA”) holds a team conference call. This past Monday’s call was about blogging & making you tube videos. She has generated a lot of customers, followers & yes even consultants from people watching her you tube videos. Now I will admit I am subscribed to her you tube station & I have watched all of her videos (some more than once), but ME do a video? Seriously?

Now don’t get me wrong I have a few videos uploaded on You tube, but those are videos of local hero’s funeral processions. I uploaded them because I felt it was important to keep, I want my bonus kids to be able to look back when they are older & really understand what they witnessed. And I feel that is part of our local history & there is nothing wrong with preserving the past.

So back to me doing a you tube video about my paparazzi business, or tips & tricks, how to blog, etc….it scares me to DEATH!!!! I am one always BEHIND the camera not the main “character”. I really don’t like myself on film, so this is a HUGE STEP for me. But I want to push myself & get myself out of my comfort zone.

So this weekend be looking for a you tube video from yours truly. I am scared & nervous, but you know what I will get over it & will look back later & wonder why I was so scared in the 1st place.
